Exceptionless clients for the .NET platform
A collection of Blazor components that emulate the ASP.NET Web Forms controls of the same name
翻译 - Blazor组件的集合,这些组件模拟相同名称的Web表单组件
”Open棟梁”は、長年の.NETアプリケーション開発実績にて蓄積したノウハウに基づき開発した.NET用アプリケーション フレームワークです。 (”OpenTouryo” , is an application framework for .NET which was developed using the accumulated know-how with a long track record...
DevExpress eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO) ORM for .NET Framework / .NET Core / .NET Standard 2.0
An admin-friendly, User Management Server (with Passkeys & JWTs) - for seamless and secure integration of user authentication
ASP.NET Web Forms System.Web.UI.WebControls Razor Components For Blazor WebAssembly, Blazor Hybrid, Blazor Server.
A powerful, flexible, decoupled and easy to use and Fully Featured ASP .NET CMS, it can also be used as a Headless CMS
翻译 - 功能强大,灵活,解耦,易于使用且功能齐全的ASP .NET CMS,它也可以用作无头CMS
Full-stack application framework to quickly build well-architected data-oriented web or desktop apps in .NET.
A template-based ASP.Net WebForms CMS built with C#, SQL server, and JQuery, providing an intuitive WYSIWYG/drag and drop edit experience. Supports multi-tenant webroot and database and works well in ...
Markdown support for ASP.NET WebForms and MVC applications
ASP.NET Core Web Forms is MVC alternative that use event-driven programming model for building dynamic web application
Easily create web forms. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React, Polymer and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.
ASP.NET WebForms samples for Reports.WEB embedded reporting tool, Visual Studio C# solution, and .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 report engine
A CodeFactory automation template that contains the logic neccessary to migrate a .NET WebForms application into a Blazor Server Application.
Extend your ASP.NET Web Forms application with OAuth authentication providers. Users can sign in to the application with their Microsoft accounts.
Info Sys & Tech (UKZN) final year major project built with ASP.Net Webforms & WebAPI-2
WebForms custom control for embeding documents in HTML
Migration routines from drupal 6 (d6), drupal 7 (d7) webform to drupal 8 (d8) webform