a browser detector
翻译 - 浏览器检测器
#网络爬虫#Up-to-date simple useragent faker with real world database
Detect device, and render view according to detected device type.
翻译 - 检测设备,并根据检测到的设备类型渲染视图。
浏览器检测 - Useragent分析/浏览器识别/浏览器判断/用户代理信息/浏览器指纹/Useragent analysis tool/Browser detection
A PHP Class to detect a user's Browser. This encapsulation provides a breakdown of the browser and the version of the browser using the browser's user-agent string. This is not a guaranteed solution...
🦔A utility to match a browserslist query with user agent strings
Superset of RESPONSIVE DIRECTIVES to show or hide items according to the size of the device screen and another features in Angular 9
翻译 - 响应指令的超集,可根据设备屏幕的大小和Angular 7中的其他功能显示或隐藏项目
A simple, comprehensive Ruby gem for parsing user agent strings with the help of BrowserScope's UA database
Browser extension to boost volume, change user agent, enable right click, copy & select, disable WebRTC, and save image as type (JPG, PNG & WebP).
This script generates traffic for websites using a Tor Proxy Pool or any proxy server for which you desire
UserAgent parsing done right
Angular module to detect OS / Browser / Device
Detect mobile device and its type.
A blazingly fast and memory efficient (thread-safe) Java client on top of the BrowsCap CSV source files.
#网络爬虫#Pick the most common user-agents on the Internet 👻
Get IP Address, TimeStamp, User Agent, Country Code, IATA, HTTP Version, TLS/SSL Version & more by Cloudflare