A Vault swiss-army knife: A CLI tool to init, unseal and configure Vault (auth methods, secret engines).
翻译 - 保险柜瑞士军刀:K8s操作员,具有自动令牌更新,自动配置,多个开封选项的Go客户端。一个用于初始化,解封和配置Vault的CLI工具(身份验证方法,秘密引擎)。直接秘密注入Pod。
Auto unseal vault without public cloud infrastructure
shell script to auto-unseal secondary vault (Transit Vault) using keys in production vault
Go tool that unseals HashiCorp Vault using keys stored in Bitwarden.
This small utility is a helper to automatically unlock a Vault instance
Automatically unseals configured Vault instances using a push mechanism.
CLI and Library to Seal and Unseal a Value with a Secret
Contains a script to unseal a local Vault instance as part of a Vault cluster which leader currently is unsealed
A simple HashiCorp Vault unsealer in Rust