Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C libraries and utilities.
翻译 - netCDF-C库和实用程序的官方GitHub存储库。
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-Fortran libraries, which depend on the netCDF C library. Install the netCDF C library first.
Siphon - A collection of Python utilities for retrieving atmospheric and oceanic data from remote sources, focusing on being able to retrieve data from Unidata data technologies, such as the THREDDS d...
Repository of examples showing off the use of Python for meteorology.
Analysis and product generation for meteorological data.
A Jupyter Notebook that creates a modern way to visualize sounding data for the purpose of environmental analysis.
Rocket MV BASIC Documentation
Nodejs module to interface with multivalue databases UniVerse and UniData
Scripts to process, store, and distribute National Weather Service products in standard formats.
Multivalue syntaxes and grammars
Pick stuff (quite old) that may be of historical interest. Not current.
Node script to return Pick internal date & time