A GUI named hedge for smartwatch like devices based on ESP32. Currently support for T-Watch2020 (V1,V2,V3), T-Watch2021, M5Paper, M5Core2 and native Linux support for testing.
翻译 - 基于LilyGo的ESP32的ttgo-watch2020-v1智能手表的固件。
Bluetooth Dashboard for electric unicycles (EUCs) for ESP32(ttgo t-watch). requires PlatformIO to build
simple OS for LillyGO T-Watch V3
Project template to build esp32, esp32c6, esp32s2 and esp32s3 firmware in the cloud with github-actions
A microkernel for ESP32 targeting TTGO T-Watch-2020-V2
Version 2 of WPOS for T-Watch, very threading, much preemptive
This is the smartwatch app based on the SimpleWatch example
TTGO T-Watch simulator in Qt creator for macOS, Linux and Windows.
A very simple example of using the TTGO TWatch Library with PlatformIO