Best practice for hangfire samples
A full feature platform to host and manager a Quartz.Net job using topshelf and core WebApi
A daemon service demonstration application with Topshelf. 这是一个基于C#/.NET+Topshelf 实现的Windows服务程序。
A sample .NET Core 2.2 Console Service
🎩 Simple Windows Service helper (Topshelf-based, Azure Web Job capable)
This sample solution shows how to create a windows service that is easily extendable to support a few different work loads, such as hosting a Web API and SignalR endpoints, running Schedule jobs using...
MassTransit configuration extensions using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
A quick and dirty Windows Service for running SQL commands regularly, mainly to maintain regular database backups
Restful API management for Windows Services. Access and control windows services using http commands.
Some examples for Topshelf Windowsservices - Basic Winservice / Scheduled Jobs / Scheduled Jobs & Enitity Framework Core / Web API & EF Core
Extension methods to add leader election startup configuration to Topshelf.
An example Hangfire/Topshelf application that primarily uses .Net Standard 2.0 libraries.
Install and Run an application program as a Windows Service
Packages to facilitate Topshelf, Quartz and Ninject integrations. Compatible with Quartz 3.
Using Akka.NET with Topshelf to create a Windows Service