📮 A simple and customizable React notifications system
A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular.
翻译 - 轻巧易用的Angular通知库。
Toast notifications for WPF allows you to create and display rich notifications in WPF applications. It's highly configurable with set of built-in options like positions, behaviours, themes an...
A Toast notification library for the Laravel TALL stack. You can push notifications from the backend or frontend to render customizable toasts with almost zero footprint on the published CSS/JS 🔥🚀
#安卓#GlideToast is a android library to implement flying Toast Animation
Agnostic Javascript Library for Website Notifications
React Semantic UI notifications library
A highly configurable notification/toast component with individual toast state management capabilities.
Robust, plug & play generator for Bootstrap toasts.
Put Windows toast notifications where you want them.
Vue 3 & Vuetify 3 plugin to create dialogs (confirm, warn, error), toasts or bottom-sheets with Promises anwsers.
The vanilla JavaScript ES6 minimalistic toast pup-up messages module for your project.
A Good Replacement For Default JavaScript Alerts Which Also Makes Good Pop-Ups
#安卓#Android Toast For RTL Applications
Flutter Dio Network MVVM Pattern Provider State Management