Macro-header for compile-time C obfuscation (tcc, win x86/x64)
🔌 Generating short urls with python has never been easier
C-Chads Maintained fork of Tiny C Compiler, regularly pulled from
Starting with a single ~400 KB TinyCC binary, compile a Clang 17 toolchain and Nix package manager
Mirror of main development hub for TCC, a small and fast C compiler originally created by Fabrice Bellard 🔄 This is a Mirror Repository of • 🔩 The Mirroring is...
This is a barebones example for tinycc compiler's dynamic compilation.
The Tiny C Compiler (a.k.a. TCC, tCc, or TinyCC) is an x86, X86-64 and ARM processor C compiler initially written by Fabrice Bellard.
My fork of Fabrice Bellard's Tiny C Compiler, with supporting for c++ raw string.
online editor that uses an client-side x86-emulator (v86)
Lightweight UI framework powered by fltk & scripting via tcc, quickjs, lua & wamr.
create testfiles with csmith and check compiler results. With TAP output