A smooth 3D tilt javascript library.
Portfolio Website built using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery
A meal ordering website built for restaurant working on a very small scale, with full functionality of backend and realtime database updation.
Angular tilt is a native angular port of tilt.js allowing high quality interactive 3D tilt transforms at 60fps+
Toonly is a Music player web application built using plain HTML , CSS and Javascript which implements with an amazing UI.
A simple, clean, fully responsive and free Bootstrap 4 HTML template.
Landing page made with SASS, GSAP and Tilt.js about Arcade from League of legends! 👾
🌍landing for web-studio made with Next.js 14, Type Script, Framer Motion, Gsap, Tilt.js, Tailwind css
My Portfolio website inspired by open source template project with my own touch to it. It's rendered on Node.js/express.js with using view engine ejs for optimization.
Landing Page for a non-profitable organization Hub NetWork
Card Reveal animation made using tilt-on-hover effect using vanilla-tilt.js
Glass morphic cards made using Vanilla tilt JS library
👨💻 This project made with Next.js, Strapi CMS, Postgresql, Typescript, Tailwind, Tilt.js
My 3D Portofolio, you can check it here: https://aleksandromilenkov.netlify.app/