A telegram bot that will give instant stream links for telegram files without the need of waiting till the download completes.
Megatron was a telegram file management bot that helped a lot of users, specially movie channel managers to upload their files to telegram by just providing a link to it. The project initially started...
A cool Telegram upload bot based on Pyrogram that can force the user to join the channel before getting the file.
Megatron was a telegram file management bot that helped a lot of users, specially movie channel managers to upload their files to telegram by just providing a link to it. The project initially started...
Это проект для работы с Telegram API, который автоматически сохраняет все входящие сообщения от пользователей и передает их в указанный канал. Бот поддерживает различные типы сообщений, такие как текс...
Telegram User Bot - a modular Python script for Telegram which uses the Pyrogram library.
Personal telegram bot made to manage 3rd sem notes, where user can access the notes via slash commands sent to the bot.