Terminal table for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Written in nodejs. Also works in browser console. Word wrap, padding, alignment, colors, Asian character support, per-column callbacks, and you can pass r...
Plain text table generator for Ruby, with a DRY, column-based API
翻译 - 具有基于列的DRY API的Ruby终端表生成器
Professional modding to the terminal and changing the font of string texts
Highly customizable tables for CLIs and Markdown.
🔎 Customizable pretty-printer for tinybench benchmarks
Aplicação 100% Ruby para uso no terminal que permite acesso à estatísticas de nomes populares no Brasil, com dados do IBGE.
SQL Vision utilizes image analysis and data processing to convert images into SQL queries, extracting essential details for seamless table creation.
Winnipeg Transit Route 55 schedule on Terminal
JavaScript library for displaying table in the console