#IOS#The open-source iOS app that's making quality voice transcription more accessible on mobile devices.
VisualHFT is a cutting-edge GUI platform for market analysis, focusing on real-time visualization of market microstructure. Built with WPF & C#, it displays key metrics like Limit Order Book dynamics ...
#安卓#Development of the TUM Campus App for Android devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
#IOS#App for reading and saving manga for iOS/iPadOS
[READ-ONLY] Subtree split of the TYPO3 Core Extension "styleguide"
Sample about SwiftData with Composable Architecture in initial fase of development
#IOS#iOS & macOS SwiftUI application about my work and services
#IOS#Models UI navigation patterns using TCA
Generate mermaid diagram of TCA feature relationships
A straightforward package containing version for Swift modern concurrency, Point-Free Swift Dependency compatible with TCA and a Combine wrapper to provide Text to Speech (TTS) over AVFoundation/AVSpe...
#IOS#A simple app for trying The Composable Architecture (TCA) written in SwiftUI to create, edit and complete reminders, getting scheduled local notifications ✏️