The "Symfony Standard Edition" distribution
翻译 - “ Symfony标准版”发行
Blazing Fast Admin and Api Generator for PHP
4xxi Symfony Skeleton is an extension for the official Symfony Skeleton with symfony flex used in 4xxi
Symfony Skeleton
Opiniated Symfony skeleton implementing hexagonal architecture, BDD, and Docker. Usage: composer create-project nicwortel/symfony-skeleton <app-name>
A fully-functional Symfony4 base application with basic administration interface
An API starter kit built with symfony-flex
API template with DDD and Hexagonal architecture
Symfony 5.4 Skeleton App with Docker, PHP 8.1 + MySQL 8 + Nginx 1.21.4 + XDebug 3.1.2 + Bootstrap 5 + Adminer
Symfony 5.4 Skeleton App with Docker, PHP 8.1 + MySQL 8 + Nginx 1.21.4 + XDebug 3.1.2 + Bootstrap 5 + Adminer
🐺 Simple ERP Application Skeleton In Symfony 3.3.9.
🐺 Simple ERP Application Skeleton In Symfony 3.3.9.
A new project skeleton for symfony testing with selenium
Just a simple Symfony project for educational purposes
Skeleton app for Symfony framework used by LEMPer
Little practice to get in touch with symfony framework
Little practice to get in touch with symfony framework
The aim of this distribution is to supply a skeleton to start working with some bundles of Sonata already configured.