High performance HTTP server based on Swoole. Speed up your Laravel or Lumen applications.
翻译 - 基于Swoole的高性能HTTP服务器。加快您的Laravel或Lumen应用程序。
YurunHttp 是开源的 PHP HTTP 客户端,支持链式操作,简单易用。完美支持Curl、Swoole 协程。QQ群:17916227
【Swoole 从入门到实战】学习笔记,从零开始学 Swoole,包括 Swoole Task,Swoole WebSocket,Swoole HTTP 服务,Swoole RPC 服务,Swoole MySQL 连接池,Swoole Redis 连接池,Swoole 压测等,其中 7 个源码分享,11 篇总结文章分享。
A shim so you can use swoole and fatfree together
Provides integration Swoole Http Request / Response to Symfony Request / Response.
Instant messaging websocket server with unique features. Backend in PHP with Swoole framework. Wire transport is JSON over websocket. Persistant storage is PostgreSQL
OpenSwoole library for easier, faster and cleaner use
PHP Micro framework based on swoole php extension.
Asynchronous PHP web servers for Flarum
Um servidor relay simples, utilizando Swoole, suporta HTTP/s
Simple slim swoole skeleton
Work in Progress - API GATEWAY using PHP SWOOLE extension