#安卓#A util for setting status bar style on Android App.
翻译 - 用于在Android App上设置状态栏样式的工具。
#安卓#Android沉浸式状态栏,支持状态栏渐变色,纯色, 全屏,亮光、暗色模式,适配android 4.4 -10.0机型,支持刘海屏,滴水屏
Your AirPods Battery levels at your status bar | MacOS | Widget
A Mac status bar app for quickly sharing files and links.
Simple macOS StatusBar app to remind you to unplug your laptop when sufficiently charged
A tool showing network traffic on macos statusbar, write in swift ui 2.0
#安卓#A utility library to manipulate Android's status bar background color, height and transparency.
Hooky is a tiny Mac OS X application that can enhance your shortcut/hotkey usability.
#安卓#一句代码适配5.0以上沉浸状态栏和沉浸导航栏, 适配魅族,小米等国产手机.
This Repo has all the ".apk" files that I created in Android Studio...