#博客#Optimizes static websites for best user experience and best Core Web Vitals scores.
Docker image for redbean from the "scratch" container
A lightweight static website generator which aims to be simple and elegant.
Web Page With Make and M4 - static web page generator
Self-hosted contact form handler for your static websites.
#编辑器#An open source web page editor 🚀 powered🔋 by React ✨ and Styled Components 💅
What was once a school bus is now a home, an engineering platform, and a learning experience.
Template repository to deploy your own site based on Paws - a lightweight and simple static site template for researchers in the Digital Humanities
Proof of concept of using Pandoc with MediaWiki syntax to produce a static wiki website.
A starter site for a Verge statically generated site.
Lightweight and simple static site template for researchers in the Digital Humanities
Website of the SEO theme for HUGO. Features, Articles, Examples, Documentation.
#博客#A DIY static site generator utility
#前端开发#Fast learning, preprocessing, intuitive web framework