O365管理系统是一个以java语言开发的基于Microsoft Graph Restful API的多全局管理系统,理论上支持任何Office全局的管理(A1,A3,A1P,E3,E5等),你可以很方便的使用它来批量添加,批量删除,批量启用,批量禁用,搜索和查看用户,绑定解绑域名,生成邀请码,邀请朋友注册,提升和收回管理员权限,更新密钥,查看订阅,分配订阅(创新用户时),查看多全局报告
脚手架工程(springboot + springsecurity + mybatis + redis + swagger + oauth2),内含freemarker的代码生成器
Advanced SpringBoot case by case
#安全#These examples include both Springboot-Security examples using in-memory setup and database setup
基于spingboot框架的接口报文加解密示例demo. Demo of api message encrypt/decrypt based on spring-boot.
Springboot Security Basics application
This is a fullstack Whatsapp clone project which is basically made on the top of Springboot(Backend) and React.js(frontend).
Spring Boot - Security via JWT
This is a School Management System project. This project developed witj Java Spring Boot on the Backend side.
Basic Auth without using WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
This repository contains some basic security concepts using the springboot security dependency.
Springboot Restful complete crud example with security multi level roles authorization and jwt authentication
JWT with springboot3
API Rest for management of Students, Subjects and Teachers.
Springboot Security Example