A high performance implementation of Mediator pattern in .NET using source generators.
Provides a rich set of editor extensions and serialization extensions for Unity.
The ultimate fast alternative to Activator.CreateInstance<T> / new T()
Generates x:Name refs to Avalonia XAML controls.
C# interface-to-member source generator
Ease-of-Use Source Generator Alternative for Unity
A .NET source generator for creating simple value objects wrapping primitive types.
DevExpress ViewModel generator
Source Generator for dumping the git branch information, commit hash, and if the working tree is dirty or clean on projects that install this and applies them as an assembly level attribute.
boilerplatezero is a collection of C# source generators
Create mixins and generate metadata about types at build time to enable reflection in ahead-of-time (AOT) environments.
A source generator that automatically generates a cache of components for Unity.
Highly efficient compile-time general purpose DI container based on C# source generators.
.NET standard 2.0 utils and helpers to write source files (for source generators and general purpose)
A source generator to generate compile-time mapping of enums and description attributes
A test data builder generator for .net 5 and later.
Reflection is a source-generated reflection library, with global caching and support for AOT compilation
Generate typescript Ajax calls based on your c# endpoints