Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
Angular 2+ binding to SortableJS. Previously known as angular-sortablejs
翻译 - Angular 2+绑定到SortableJS。以前称为angular-sortablejs
A thin wrapper around Sortable.js for Vue 3
A Laravel Livewire plugin that makes it easy to use Sortable.js
Productivity Application - Kanban Style Productivity Management Application with Customizable Boards, Lists and Cards to Make You More Productive.
A jQuery binding for SortableJS
让element-ui的table可拖动排序,支持 行,列,跨表格等特性
#编辑器#A drag and drop platform based on sortable.js front-end visualization. 一个基于sortable.js的前端可视化搭建的拖拽平台,ui组件采用antd-mobile.通过umi脚手架构建.技术栈采用dva+hooks+umi+antd-mobile+sortable.js+react-color.
Trello Clone using Ruby on Rails 7.2, Turbo 8, Stimulus, and Sortable JS
↕️ Re-orderable drag-and-drop lists, via a Vue directive.
一个基于Vue3、Vite、Ant-Design-Vue、TypeScript、vxe-table、Tinymce、 Pinia、WindiCss、高德地图 等前沿技术搭建的前端管理系统
Influenced by TierMaker, this is a website for tier lists to be created on the fly with drag and drop features and minimalistic ui (hosted on gh pages)
Drag and Drop into iFrame with sortable DOM tree built with Vue.js
Code and examples for scripting drag-and-drop in lists run by Sortable.js
Aurelia plugin to use sortablejs https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable
Simple todo and goals dashboard PWA using Svelte, Bulma, SortableJS, Firebase and Google auth