Browser extension: counts lines of code on GitHub
Measure the churn/complexity ratio. Higher values mean hotspots where refactorings should happen.
count lines of code for hundreds of languages using pygments
#大语言模型#Count Tokens of Code (forked from gocloc)
Simple line of code counter written in Go
Maven plugin for counting source lines of code (SLOC)
Tools to plot the lines of code in a git repository
Chrome extension to display SLOC (source lines of code) on GitHub
Unified Code Counter (UCC) by the USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering, SLOC counter sources
Python/bash script to count all source lines of code 📄 for a Github user
[Feature complete] Simple C code line counter
Sloc, Cloc and Code Action to update with code stats.
📝 Counts how many lines of code (LOC/SLOC) are in a code base, by programming language.
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