In-place tweak injection with insert_dylib and ChOma.
#IOS#App Store alternative for TrollStore
#IOS#Open-source cross-platform iOS app sideloader (yep, even Linux is supported). Alternative to Sideloadly, AltServer, SideServer, Cydia Impactor, iOS App Signer…
An un-official guide to installing AltStore.
#安卓#An alternative AND UNOFFICIAL library and utility app for PICO XR (and Quest). Designed to look and feel like it came stock.
Repo for our Community Source and Trusted Source submissions. Please create tickets here to request your app(s) be added to our Trusted Apps
#IOS#A dockerized version of AltServer-Linux with Wi-Fi sync capability.
#IOS#The all-in-one tweak for Instagram
Master Guide for Sideloading.
#安卓#Easily sideload apps to your Android device with no setup needed
A nice frontend for installing IPA files on your phone
Syncing local directory with books on kindle device (sideload)
#IOS#A lightning-fast iOS app signing solution that leverages the Apple Developer Portal API for seamless entitlements management and code signing.