oshi 是一个获取操作系统和硬件信息的Java库,或获取OS版本、进程、内存、CPU使用、磁盘、分区等信息
A Python script to parse Fortinet products serial numbers, and detect the associated model and revision.
verify a Euro banknote serial number
Collect useful Windows 7 asset info such as computer / monitor serials and compile it into an email
Java library that generates random strings/serial numbers based on the options provided
PowerScript to Find Serial Number and Service in Remote
A Seruial number generator cli python script - made this in school :)
#安卓#A wrapper to simplify the access to Zebra OEM Infos (secure info, software info, os update info, wan info) without the need ot StageNow in one single line that takes care of asynchronous call mechanis...
.NET 2.0 & 4.5.2 class libraries (based on code from the bizhawk team) that returns the game serial number from a PSX disc image (.cue or .ccd cuefile is required)