Now upgraded to .NET 9, this project is a super-fast, completely headless API powered by Clean Architecture, CQRS, and MediatR. It includes an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages implementation for inventory ord...
Asp.Net Core Mvc implementation of inventory order management system. warehouse, product, vendor, customer, purchase order, sales order, shipment, goods receive and more.
Custom order number, invoice number, shipment number, credit memo number for Magento 2 platform
Purchase Order create from Sales Order with custom Supplier and default Supplier.
A spring boot based order matching service based on price-time-matching algorithm.
Magento 2 Module to customize order workflow by add custom order states and status, customize order process,...
Store Manager is a web application that helps store owners manage sales and product inventory.
Project-Based Internship by Rakamin Academy Batch January 2023.
Free Magento 2 extension To attached Pdf file In Invoice from Admin sales Section | Nadeem Khan
Magento2 Sales Order History page allows User to check their order history. In this blog, we will learn how to add filters of 24 hours, 30 days, 6 months for more ease to customer.
Magento2 free extension for deleting orders in magento 2
Minimized demo of stock management with C# and AngularJS
Restaurant orders and revenue full questions and answers (SQL 8 week challenge)