A collection of scripts & tooling that's executed from Lambda to backup your AWS Services such as Route53, EBS, RDS, EFS, etc into a S3 bucket allowing you to sync into Google Cloud for Business Conti...
翻译 - 从Lambda执行的脚本和工具的集合,用于将您的AWS服务(例如Route53,EBS,RDS,EFS等)备份到S3存储桶中,从而使您可以同步到Google Cloud for Business Continuity。
AWS serverless solution to backup all Route53 hosted zones of an AWS Account.
This tool combines a number of AWS API calls to allow the user to interact with some of the 'route53', 'route53domains' and 'organizations' sub-commands of aws-cli. It was originally developed to copy...
A program that exports hosted zone data into a JSON file.