Django-Access - the application introducing dynamic evaluation-based instance-level (row-level) access rights control for Django
Experimental API for Reads and Writes protected via Phantom types
Active Directory Privileges
A PowerShell menu script to view and edit Remote Desktop permissions.
The application provides a filtering for the Django-Select2 package to use access rules defined by the Django-Access package
The application provides an authorization backend for the Tastypie package to use access rules defined by the Django-Access package
WE ARE FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM / Notice about kremlin organized criminal group intervention into Ukraine and about limited rights in my country / War in Ukraine.
Happy with your current constitution? No? Well, you've come to the right(s) place
Fuck Tencent 狗日的腾讯收集用户隐私(浏览器记录和SSR配置文件),不可饶恕,腾讯竟然视法律如无物。Tencent's collection of user privacy Browser records is unforgivable. Tencent treats the law as nothing.
Warning Goose is a citizen alert application that aims to help Internet users make their right to data protection and privacy heard. This repository contains the web extensions (front-end part) of War...
Check if the process is running as administrator on Windows
Cmder with preinstalled nvm. Node.js without admin rights
Role and/or Resource based ACL middlewares