Decompiler Explorer! Compare tools on the forefront of static analysis, now in your web browser!
Decompilation as a Service. Explore multiple decompilers and compare their output with minimal effort. Upload binary, get decompilation.
Binary Ninja plugin to decompile binaries using RetDec API
A Python library and tools providing easy access to the decompilation service through their REST API.
RetDec plugin for LLDB. RetDec is a retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM.
#编辑器#RetDec disassembly syntax highlighting for Vim
A Rust library and tools providing easy access to the decompilation service through their REST API.
Shell scripts for decompiling and analyzing binary files through the REST API.
A C++ library and tools providing easy access to the decompilation service through their REST API.
Patch for the broken --config option in RetDec
A tool for automatic discovery of integers that can be used as signatures in signature-based file formats !!! Migrated to Codeberg !!!