Unity support for both ReSharper and Rider
A plugin for JetBrains Resharper that colorizes the tooltip and parameter information.
ReSharper plugin for AngularJS support
ReSharper plugin to measure cyclomatic complexity as you type
翻译 - ReSharper插件可在您键入时测量圈复杂度
Plugin for ReSharper to support NuGet references correctly
JetBrains ReSharper External Annotations
Developer guide for the ReSharper Platform
Source code for mnemonic template generators for ReSharper and IDEA
ReSharper extension to show executing commands and keystrokes
A Jetbrains Resharper Plugin to help you to switch between code and test classes (+more)
Configurable XML Doc warnings for ReSharper
[Jetbrains] Ever got frustrated to find out where was the handler of a MediatR's IRequest? Say no more. This plugin provides a context action to easily reach the handler of any MediatR request. Select...
ReSharper Live Templates for xUnit.net
ReSharper settings synchronization through Dropbox
ReSharper PowerToys are plugins developed by both the Community and JetBrains for use with ReSharper.
VSIX and ReSharper integration
Roflcopter (noun) 1. a breeding ground for new ReSharper extensions 2. a collection of small, handy ReSharper utilities