Transparent TLS and HTTP proxy serve and operate on all 65535 ports, with domain regex whitelist and rest api control
English to RegEx converter, powered by gpt-3.5-turbo and Vercel Edge Functions.
#区块链#Detect which cryptocurrency an address corresponds to.
This repository contains regular expression (regex) patterns for validating phone numbers postal codes, VAT numbers, dates, currency, credit/debit cards etc. for European countries (but not only).
Creates the inverse of transliterated string to a regex. What? Basically, diacritic insensitiveness
#区块链#A minimal service to detect which cryptocurrency an address corresponds to.
ReGen is a utility tool simplifying Regex creation by selecting values from logs or text. It enhances efficiency for digital forensics, defense, validation, etc. Still in early stages, it aims to stre...
Ξ Regular expression for matching Ethereum (ETH) addresses.
Regular expression for matching .onion Tor links (v2 & v3).
🔍 A deep regex match component for react, support ReactNode match.
Get the line number for each regex match found in a string.
Regular expression for matching Monero (XMR) addresses.
Ð Regular expression for matching Dogecoin (DOGE) addresses.
Hackerrank Regex questions
Regular expression for matching Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Legacy and CashAddr addresses.
Regular Expression (Regex) tool that assist in creating and testing expressions.
JavaScript 正则表达式可视化