My self coded personal website build with React.js
Welcome to my GitHub portfolio! This repository contains the source code for my personal portfolio website, where I showcase my projects, skills, and experiences as a software engineer. The website is...
Construct Week Project- Amazon Prime Clone in ReactJS/ Redux (Main Tech Stack Primarily Used). Collaborated with 2 other members and completed this project in 7 days. All the data is dynamic loaded. ...
The Space Travelers' Hub consists of Rockets, Missions, and the My Profile section. The Rockets section displays a list of all available SpaceX rockets. The Missions section displays a list of current...
Implementation of an extremely beautiful website using React JS and state management tools and styling and responsiveness using React Bootstrap 4.
This is a react-redux app; fetching, rendering and manipulating data through the store.
MERN - A React-based Google Books Search app with helper/util functions and React Hooks to query and display books based on user searches. It also uses Node, Express, MongoDB and is deployed to Heroku...
HappyShop is a ecommerce application that allows users to view and review products and add products to the cart.Users can also increase or decrease the quantity of the product,total price of the produ...
Bookaholic is an online book store where customers can explore, read and buy books at affordable pricing.
virtual life 📣🐢
Fiverr clone using React.js and SCSS . Design a React app using functional React components, hooks, and React Router Dom
This is my personal portfolio website using React-18.2.0, bootstrap, react-bootstrap, framer-motion, react-slick, and slick-carousel.
This is application crud for users(Create users, Read users, Update users, Delete users)
A news aggregator website to display top headlines for both the New York Times and the Guardian News.
A Real Time Chat Application built using React,, and Client while leveraging the second part of the project, a server Backend built in Node JS and Express JS which can be found her...
Using Github-Jobs API to create an app for viewing latest jobs advertised in github.
my new porfolio in Next js and domain in Vercel