PyQt Examples(PyQt各种测试和例子) PyQt4 PyQt5
Demo desktop apps built with Python & Qt. With examples for PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5 & PySide2
Learn to create a desktop app with Python and Qt
翻译 - 学习使用Python和Qt创建桌面应用程序
PyQt(+PySide) Frameless Window
GUI group chat for computers in the same network. The server and the client program both have a GUI.
PyQt custom titlebar window (resizable, movable, minimize/maximize/close)
Video(mp4 file only) player using QGraphicsVideoItem. Control widget at the bottom is shown/hidden followed by cursor's movement.
PyQt color picker dialog
PyQt bounding box for graphic design software
PyQt custom titlebar setter (movable/resizable, etc.)
PyQt Toast (Small message displayed on the screen, visible for a short time)
PyQt thread which overlays the translucent loading screen with label on the whole window like some generic application loading screen.
Show line numbers next to QTextBrowser or QTextEdit
PyQt QTableWidget for image file explorer
PyQt's QTableWidget which has checkbox as first header item
PyQt application which shows the plotly map
PyQt Windows notifier show at bottom right of the desktop screen
Display log in real time with PyQt widget
PyQt Switch (O ) -> ( O)