AutoBleem - Alternative to BleemSync/BootMenu, C++ based, GameScanner and Updater for Playstation Classic
翻译 - AutoBleem-BleemSync /启动菜单的替代方案,基于C ++,Game Scanner和Playstation Classic更新程序
A completion manager for better and simpler use completions in PowerShell. 一个 PowerShell 命令补全管理模块,更简单、更方便的在 PowerShell 中使用命令补全。
'minis' is a software for electrophysiological data analysis. It allows you to detect and analyse spontaneous postsynaptic potetnials/currents in whole-cell patch clamp recordings and to estimate the ...
Telestion Frontend Framework (Technical leads: Ludwig Richter, Jan Tischhöfer)
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Administration tools and utilities used by the PSC Coho Technical Committee to administer FRAM model runs.
Analysis code for the minis benchmarking study
Improving SINR Values in D2D communication having 5 pairs of Public Safety Communication nodes and 5 pairs of Commercial Nodes
⚙️ I share the assignments, exams and notes done for the subject Computer Systems Programming in the winter of 2022