Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk leverages the data visibility provided by Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls and endpoint security with Splunk's extensive investigation and visualization c...
Prisma Cloud utility scripts, and a Python SDK for Prisma Cloud APIs.
GitHub action to scan container images with Palo Alto Networks' Prisma Cloud
The Prisma Cloud CLI is a command line interface for Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks.
Example scripts, snippets, and other documents related to Prisma Cloud Compute
Terraform provider for Prisma Cloud Compute
Python3 API toolkit for Prisma Cloud APIs
Splunk app for ingesting Prisma Cloud Compute incidents and forensics
A Terraform provider for the declarative management of Prisma Cloud Web Application & API Security (WAAS) policies
Terraform files to deploy a k3s cluster on an EC2 or GCE instance running on ARM and a Prisma Cloud Compute defender agent within the cluster.
Simple script to dismiss alerts from a supplied CSV file.