State-of-the-Art Source Code Plagiarism & Collusion Detection. Check for plagiarism in a set of programs.
:detective: Source code plagiarism detection
🚨 An app for detecting documents tampered to bypass plagiarism detectors
A copyright violation detector running on Wikimedia Cloud Services
A library to use Ithenticate API easier and faster, to check and prevent plagiarism
Disguise AI-generated and plagiarised text
PlagScan Moodle Plugin - Official repository for API v3
Plagiarism Checker
Plagiarism Detectors Implementation Hub
Check matching seven word sequences in two different pieces of text.
SaveMyAss(ignments) from Accidental Plagiarism!
Code Vision CLI is a streamlined command-line tool for detecting source code plagiarism, utilizing advanced algorithms and open-source technology, ideal for educators and developers.
An implementation of anti-plagiarism detectors within an existing Java source code
Sudokuuuu! The purpose is to design a high level complex game with minimal complexities. Now has resulted in A Java Console App and A Javascript Web App