斐讯TC1智能排插个人固件. 仅支持TC1硬件版本为a1的版本
Openwrt automatic compilation project of github action,include immrotalwrt openwrt lean platforms, Support x86 R2S R2C R4S R5S R5C H66K H68K H69K R66S R68S RPi3 RPi4 etc.
Armian for Phicomm N1
Install Archlinux on Phicomm N1
斐讯TC1 DC1 A1 M1 iOS客户端
适用于斐讯TC1 A2版的智能排插固件,供学习、折腾用
【已停止更新】 Lean's Openwrt For Phicomm K2T, 路由器 ,开启SSR、V2Ray ,K2不含SSR。下载点击Actions
Customize your own OpenWrt firmware for Phicomm-K2P using Github Actions. 斐讯K2P-Openwrt固件自动编译(采用Lean's Lede源码)。
compile pure openwrt firmware for Phicomm N1
Tweaked MediaTek Router Firmware Based on ASUS
Fun stuff playing with K3
collect data from you phicomm airdetector
K3 D1
Use Github Actions compile Phicomm K2P firmware
K2 router to PandoraBox.