A package that creates PEST tests specifically tailored for your filament resources.
🐳 🐘 A Docker image designed for PHP developers that care about code quality.
Speed up the kickoff of your Laravel projects.
Enhance your knowledge of Laravel and other web technologies.
✂️ Code Snippets for writing Pest PHP tests in VSCode
Auto tests and TDD for WordPress & WooCommerce with WP CLI
Fully Functional Blog management app built using laravel 11 for beginners.
Better Laravel Extension Pack for a collection of extensions that help you with Laravel development.
Start PHP applications using Laravel preconfigured with Bun, TypeScript, Livewire, Alpine.js, TailwindCSS and many others such as Vite.js, Biome, Pint, PHPStan, Larastan, Rector.
This Laravel-based forum uses Laravel Jetstream, Vue 3 (Composition API), and Inertia.js to deliver a modern, SPA-like experience. Built with a focus on Test Driven Development (TDD) using Pest PHP, i...
Library Management System built with Laravel and FilamentPHP v3
#博客#Minimal blog that does not use any database, uses Markdown files as content. Built using Laravel 9, Livewire. Based on bernar.do and christoph-rumpel.com blog systems.
Taka format in php. It will help php developer to convert any amount to Bangladeshi Currency format by Comma separated and in words
📅 A lightweight DateTime plugin for Pest PHP testing framework, with fluent assertions using Carbon.
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