A developer-friendly API for converting numerous document formats into PDF files, and more!
翻译 - Docker驱动的无状态API,用于将HTML,Markdown和Office文档转换为PDF
🐘 A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg.
翻译 - 🐘 一个用于与 Gotenberg 交互的 PHP 客户端
Automation Report is a product that can solve the needs related to report generation in many industries. The original intention of this project is to simplify the manual process for the company. The m...
Simple pdf to text with python using PDFtk and PyPDF2
Command line tool for generating pdftk-style bookmark files in a user-friendly way, and (optionally) outputs a PDF file with the specified outline.
Golang Gin with PDFTK as REST (HTTP) web-service with docker
PDFextract is a convenient-to-use CLI wrapper for pdftk which enables the user to easily extract multiple page ranges from a PDF file.
Docker container to run PDF manipulation utitilies (pdftk, ghostscript...).