Jakarta EE 10 & MicroProfile application generator and modeler
Minimalistic Java EE / Jakarta EE / MicroProfile Related Dockerfiles
Watch and Deploy - deploying ThinWARs without IDE plugins
A boilerplate project for starting a Jakarta EE 8 application in seconds
App Server independent JCA Connectors for Java EE 8+ that connect to Cloud Services.
📂 Maven Archetypes to conveniently bootstrap new Java projects
Eclipse MicroProfile 1.2 Samples
Jakarta EE 10 Stater Boilerplate for starting a Jakarta EE 10 project
Java ee microservices starter-kit with payara-micro and docker
Payara Eclipse plugin allows configuring and using the Payara Server, for deploying and managing applications from the Eclipse IDE.
Jeddict Extensions to generate Java EE application
Payara NetBeans plugin allows configuring and using the Payara Server & Payara Micro, for deploying and managing applications from the NetBeans IDE.
Payara Micro Source To Image for OpenShift
Dockerized example for Payara Micro Kafka connector - read from Kafka using a MDB