🔥🔥 AllData可定义数据中台,以数据平台为底座,以数据中台为桥梁,以机器学习平台为工厂,以大模型应用为上游产品,提供全链路数字化解决方案。采购商业版、加入技术社区:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVHlkSEtvVXVCdEFo
该项目整合了多款优秀的开源产品,构建了一个功能全面的数据开发平台。平台提供了强大的数据集成、数据开发、数据查询、数据服务、数据质量管理、工作流调度和元数据管理功能。#dinky #dolphinscheduler #datavines #flinkcdc #openmetadata #flink #数据开发 #数据平台 # 数据开发平台 #大数据
This repository serves as a comprehensive guide to effective data modeling and robust data quality assurance using popular open-source tools
This is a OpenMetadata custom connector to any spatial data format which can be read through fiona (the OGR part of the excellent GDAL library).
This repository is OpenMetadata's custom DuckDB Connector
Testing a Docker deployment of OpenMetadata for S3 data ingestion
This Project aims to enhance Spark Lineage Generation in Open Metadata by creating Lineage edges from Table-to-Table with Column level lineage as well as Container to Table Lineage.
Docker deployment of Dagster, DBT, and OpenMetadata
Test deployment of OpenMetadata via Helm and ArgoCD
Test deployment of OpenMetadata via Helm and ArgoCD