本插件是一个可运行在 OpenWrt 上的 Clash 客户端,兼容 Shadowsocks、ShadowsocksR、Vmess、Trojan、Snell 等协议。
这是一个工作流。同步各位大佬项目里最新编译的ipk文件 生成适用于iStoreOS/ImmortalWrt用的run自解压包
GitHub Action 学习实例 - 自动编译 padavan 和 openWrt
PeDitX theme is a modern, mobile-optimized theme for OpenWrt, designed for both desktop and mobile devices. Based on the Bootstrap theme, it offers a sleek, user-friendly interface with PWA support. F...
This repo containing some important rule providers of Clash for Windows/Linux/iOS/Android, such as games, media stream and etc.
Anti-censorship firmware, based on OpenWrt(en).
Konfigurasi Clash for Openwrt, Android, Linux, Windows, Magisk
Openclash Lite for openwrt