Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications
翻译 - 根据OpenAPI 3规范生成Go客户端和服务器样板
OpenAPI based HTTP Client code generator
Pydantic model and dataclasses.dataclass generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources.
OpenAPI v3 code generator for go
A tool for generating code base on an OpenAPI schema.
OpenAPI 3.0 CodeGen plus Node.js minus the Java and emojis
A plugin for the Fastify webserver to autogenerate a Fastify configuration based on a OpenApi(v2/v3) specification.
TypeScript code generator via OpenAPI scheme.
A RESTful framework built on top of light-4j with both Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 supports
📜 Visual Studio extension to generate OpenAPI (Swagger) web service reference.
Visual Studio extension to generate OpenAPI (Swagger) web service reference.
This is a Maven plugin designed to help developers automatizing the creation of code classes from YML files based on AsyncApi and OpenAPI.
Generate Angular ReactiveForms from OpenAPI documents
This code generator creates APIClient app from an openapi file.
Generate schema sources for Scala, Java and Elm from an openapi 3.0 spec.
Generate OpenAPI v3 clients and servers from the command line
#前端开发#Example project to demonstrate how to connect frontend, BFF and microservice via contract-first OpenAPI specification
A utility that merges multiple OpenAPI specification files into a single file with all external references resolved to local reference.
typescript codegen for OpenAPI 3