#算法刷题#The N Queen is the problem of placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens attack each other.
find arrangement for n Queens in n*n board of chees using Genetic algorithms
Solving the nqueens problem using genetic algorithm
Python Implementation for N-Queen problem using Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm, K-Beam Local search and CSP
The 8-queens problems asks us to place 8 queens on a chessboard so that no two can capture one another; that is, no two are on the same row, column, or diagonal.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Hill Climbing and Hill Climbing With Random Restart implemented in Java.
Solving N-queens problem with Genetic Algorithm - Artificial Intelligence
Optimizing the NQueen Puzzle using different optimization techniques including backtracking, local search, and genetic algorithm (GA) for evolving towards a state where no two queens are attacking eac...
AI Assignments - FAST NUCES (Karachi) - CS401 - Spring 2020
An interactive visualizer for N-Queen problem using backtracking.
#算法刷题#Genetic Algorithm for Solving NQueens Problem
This repository lists 4 problems solved using C. Each problem has its own serial and parallel implementations. For the latter, the OpenMP API was utilized.
Solving N-Queen problem using Genetic Algorithm.
A simple python(also cython) script to solve and visualize N-Queens problem
Implementation of the N-Queens problem by using Simulated Annealing as a local search algorithm and Min Conflicts as the CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem) algorithm.
N-Queens problem solution using Hill-Climbing algorithm rewritten from Common Lisp to Go (https://github.com/joaobap/clisp-hill-climbing)
#算法刷题#Basically it is a solution for "N-Queen" Problem. I added mix of humor to the code. Sounds like "The King" wanted date all "The Queen" :)
This repository contains a parallel computing solution for the n-queens problem using brute force and OpenMPI, implemented as part of the final assignment for my university course in Parallel Computin...