Type safe Actor Model toolkit for reactive concurrency and resiliency using C# and other .NET languages.
Cluster management for reactive, scalable resiliency of C# .NET tools and applications running on VLINGO/LATTICE and VLINGO/ACTORS.
A .NET Standard client library for obtaining live chat messages for YouTube Live Streams.
A sample .Net Core web app that is containerized with Docker and can be deployed to Azure App Service to generate PDF documents from HTML.
A .NET Standard Client library used to integrate with StreamLabs OBS
These are just a few common tools shared across various vlingo .NET projects.
Simplification of the Create, Read, Update and Delete web pages of the application models.
This repo will contain source code of TestProject with .NET Core SDK support
This is a sample chat application using Angular 7 and SignalR
General purpose network monitoring tool.
Provides the launch multiply processes and get information about their statuses. Provides running multiple external console program as hidden. You must be including ProcessManager in an existing .NET ...
Creating a Windows Service in Net Core 2.1
A quick POC on having multiple .Net Core WebAPI running in docker containers accessible through an nginx proxy container.
Fully customizable datagrid (.net core 2.1 and angular 6)
Simple .NET Core and Angular App to demonstrate real-time text editor using SignalR