FastAPI + vue3 前后端分离后台管理系统,包含PC端,微信小程序端。接口使用:FastAPI+Pydantic+SQLAlchemy 2.0+Mysql,PC 端使用:Vue3+Typescript+Vite+Element Plus,小程序使用:Uni-APP + uview ui。异步存储,RBAC 权限管理,定时任务,部门管理等功能。
CDAC ACTS PUNE PG-DAC FEB-2019 Notes & Assignment
.NET Core back-end of Warehousing and Accounting Management System offering multiple baseline ERP features, with 80+ apis for inventory and accounting information management
MySQL and SQLite projects with Flask
Backend project to replicate a Kanban Board (like Trello or Jira). Implemented with Springboot, jOOQ and MySQL.
Discord Clone Made using NextJs, Shadcn UI,, LiveKit, Prisma and MySQL
Zapier for Web3. Empower Your Ethereum Events, Define Your Actions with ZapWeb3.
#大语言模型#Sorry, this website is currently under development, so if you want to join, clone our GitHub and enter your respective databases, thank you.
MGNREGA(The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ) is a scheme by which unskilled people of rural India are guaranteed to have 100 days of paid work. Main objective of this project i...
#前端开发#Aplicação para gestão de conteúdos que permite a pessoa usuária criar, ler, atualizar e apagar conteúdos, bem como ter acesso ao histórico de modificações e recuperar uma atualização anterior.
Entertaining web application and platform for the multiplayer game “Machinarium”.
#面试#This repository contains all the material , assignments and quizzes of course SQL for beginners.
This is the project where I made a CRUD application using flask and it is connected with the mysql database through RESTAPI
Full Stack E-Commerce + Dashboard using Next.js 14, Typescript, React, React Hook Form, Zod, Tailwind, Prisma, MySQL, Clerk, Stripe, Webhook and Zustand..
An Online Crime Reporting System.
REST API créer en PHP et MySQL pour une boutique en ligne
Aplicacion web (MVC app) creada para ofrecer los servicios de la empresa "canela trekking" destinada a mostrar los destinos de esta provincia mediante la accion del sendirismo o trekking