#网络爬虫#Movie metadata scraper
#网络爬虫#A console application to scrape a valid watching links for any movie or series with exact season and episode number, you can also download a whole season with one click.
#网络爬虫#This project is an open-source API for retrieving multimedia content such as anime, movies and series, news, and manga in both Spanish and English.
#网络爬虫#A small CLI app to scrap high-quality movie snapshots from various websites.
A simple scrapper to retrieve scripts by genre or title from IMSDB.
A Python Program Based On BeautifulSoup To Search The User's Desired Movies On https://yts.mx And Return Movies And Torrent Info
nodejs movie scrapper lib on server side
#网络爬虫#Scrape movies and tv-shows from tinyzone and hdtoday.
A anime & movie api wrraped on a scrapper