#安卓#Android performance test
翻译 - Android性能测试
Release the hounds and smoke test any site. The beasts will follow links and stream any page errors to a pipe of your choice.
BotFuzzer is a tool for automated testing of telegram bots
A TestNG plugin that allows tests to be reused in validating System changes such as upgrades or system changes that happen in chaos engineering.
Monkey-testing utility for vue.js applications 🍌
#安卓#A tool to stress test your android app. Latest release available at https://github.com/reach2jeyan/Stress-test-your-Android-App/releases/tag/v1.1.1
Documentation moved to: https://github.com/retest/docs
API Monkey Tester 随机轻量化的API测试工具,只需要简单粘贴CURL格式的接口,就可以轻松对接口实现monkey测试
🔧 Herramienta Pruebas Automáticas
Monkeys As The Engine Of Application State - A HATEOAS-HAL Monkey Test Application for REST APIs
Stripe, the leader of Gremlins is responsible for unleashing hordes.
Creates/deletes/moves files and folders forever within the folder of your choice. Perfect to monkey-test any filesystem or tool that watches the filesystem.
#安卓#bash script to run stress test with monkey tool