该仓库收集了 100 多个可用来练手的 Python 小项目
The repository contains the list of awesome✨ & cool web development beginner-friendly✌️ projects!
#算法刷题#All the essential resources and template code needed to understand and practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects to demonstrate their practical application.
30 Days of 30 Projects | One cool mini project each day using the latest tech stack for the next 30 days | For the 30k+ GIAIC Students | 1k+ Completed It 🔥
This is a series of mini-projects that I have written over time. The projects are suitable for beginners.
10 Mini Projects Challenge done using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
#前端开发#Some Mini Projects made with HTML, CSS & JavaScript
This repository helps beginners contribute to open source and participate in Hacktoberfest. We welcome all pull requests (Python & Java), prioritize genuine contributions, and promote good first issue...
This repository consists of macro-level python projects that undertake a simple task and perform it using small python code snippets.
Rajagiri connect is a networking platform that enables the students of Rajagiri to form a social network among themselves, enabling them to connect with their seniors, juniors and faculty for sharing ...
This repository is based on Hacktoberfest 2022, where you can create your mini-project and submit it here
#编辑器#This project is a Data Base management System created to manage the membership and fee details of gym members. This program uses NetBeans java as front end and MySql as back end. The NetBeans IDE pro...
This project is an web version implementation of the Fibonacci Clock using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY and BOOTSTRAP.
Mini projects - Hacktoberfest 2024!
Here is the collections of mini-projects created using HTML, CSS, SASS, Tailwind, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, Express, Node etc.
A basic timetable app to add and display college or school timetable
This Repo consists of C Programming Mini Projects.