Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python makes it easy to authenticate to Microsoft Entra ID. General docs are available here Stable APIs are d...
Helps creating protected web apps and web APIs with Microsoft identity platform and Azure AD B2C
翻译 - 使用Microsoft身份平台和Azure AD B2C帮助创建受保护的Web应用程序和Web API
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform in React using MSAL React
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform in Vanilla JavaScript.
Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) flows using ASP.NET Core and Microsoft.Identity.Web
A simple JavaScript single page application calling the Microsoft Graph using msal.js (Azure AD V2 endpoint)
An Angular single-page application that authenticates users with Azure AD and calls a protected ASP.NET Core web API using MSAL Angular
A React & Redux single-page application that authorizes an ASP.NET Core web API to call MS Graph API on-behalf-of a signed-in user.
Source for the .NET code snippets in the Microsoft identity platform documentation found on
A FastAPI Plug-In to support authentication authorization using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)
Demonstrates how to use MSAL Angular to login, logout, protect a route, and acquire an access token for a protected resource such as Microsoft Graph.
Source for the JavaScript & TypeScript code snippets in the Microsoft identity platform documentation found on
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with the Microsoft identity platform in Node.js using MSAL Node
Source for the Python code snippets in the Microsoft identity platform documentation found on
Securing ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Web APIs with Azure B2C external and Microsoft Entra ID internal identities
Blazor Server App with Azure AD Authentication, that calls the Microsoft Graph API on-behalf of the signed-in user.
Angular single-page application (SPA) calling .NET Core web API using App Roles and Security Groups for Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) using MSAL Angular
ASP.NET Core application and API using Microsoft Graph delegated clients
Interact with OneDrive using the Graph API and Python.
Multi-tenancy tutorial demonstrating how to expose your app to users from other tenants, provide consent as admin and deploy it on Azure App Services using MSAL Angular