#Laravel 库# Fast and beautiful Log Viewer for Laravel
Create a Laravel 10 CRUD in a few seconds
Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects. It is to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features Bootstrap, c...
翻译 - Laravel管理员仪表板,带有前端模板的管理模板,可扩展Laravel项目。它是节省您的时间,当您从具有许多功能的新可扩展的LARavel项目开始启动,CooreUI,Infyyom管理生成器,角色和权限,可翻译模型,Spatie Media等等
🍩 SweetAlert 2 Implementation for Laravel
翻译 - 🍩 SweetAlert 2 Laravel 的实现