MailEclipse ⚡ Laravel Mail Editor
翻译 - MailEclipse:zap:轻松玩Laravel Mailables!
📧 Aliyun DrirectMail Transport for Laravel Application.
Laravel Mail Credentials switcher for Budget Laravel Applications
A self-hosted open source application for managing your marketing
A self-hosted open source application for managing your email marketing
Дипломный проект на Фреймворке LARAVEL в рамках курса SkillBox "PHP разработчик PRO" с реализацией функционала документации по Laravel v8.x, включая подключение сторонних API, работа с очередями задач...
Simple and minimal mail template / theme for Laravel (with dark-mode support 😎)
A Laravel based package for changing Mail transport and it's credentials from application layer in runtime. Simple and easy abstraction Mailable layer will be provided with this package.
Markdown mailable messages allow you to take advantage of the pre-built templates and components of mail notifications in your mailables. Since the messages are written in Markdown
In this article, how to send email in laravel 9 using mailgun. we will learn laravel 9 to send emails using mailgun. Mailgun is an email delivery service that provides developers an easy API to send o...
In this article, how to send email in laravel 9 using mailgun. we will learn laravel 9 to send emails using mailgun. Mailgun is an email delivery service that provides developers an easy API to send o...
Markdown mailable messages allow you to take advantage of the pre-built templates and components of mail notifications in your mailables. Since the messages are written in Markdown
Using Laravel Queue and Jobs for Email delivery - Laravel 8
Using Laravel Queue and Jobs for Email delivery - Laravel 8
In this post, we will explore how to send Markdown mail in Laravel 10.
In this post, we will explore how to send Markdown mail in Laravel 10.
This is a simple send mail laravel example using SMTP
This is a simple send mail laravel example using SMTP