A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX.
翻译 - Pandoc LaTeX模板,可将降价文件转换为PDF或LaTeX。
R package for comfortable writing of beautiful PDF letters in Markdown.
A sound and versatile pandoc LaTeX boilerplate to produce academic books using Markdown files featuring YAML, KOMA-Script, BibLaTeX and CSL
📘 my org-mode/Emacs configuration for my master thesis
A LaTeX letter template that uses the scrlttr2 class of the popular KOMA-Script.
LaTeX template for theses (i.e. dissertation) at the Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology at RWTH Aachen
A powerful Pandoc template to control the KOMA-script LaTeX classes
LCO file to provide \makelabels for KOMA-Script's LaTeX classes scrlttr2 and scrletter
LaTeX Template use for course summaries, pratical work reports or project files reports
Some cover letter templates using LaTeX KOMA script class.
LaTeX package to combine package fancyhdr with KOMA-Script layer package scrlayer
A chapterstyle-like command (as memoir) for the KOMA-Script bundle
LCO file for scrlttr2/scrletter notepapers similar to the Washington State University
A LaTeX template for business letters (mostly) following German DIN 5008 standard, based on KOMA-Script class 'scrlttr2'.